Technical Specifications:Length: 2000±100mm, Width: 500±20mm
Height Adjustment: (750-1000)±50mm
Tilt Left:≥15° Tilt Right: ≥15°
Trendelenburg: ≥15° Rev-Trend:≥15°
Headboard Upwards: ≥50° Headboard Downwards: ≥90°
Backboard Upwards: ≥70° Backboard Downwards:≥30°
Lumbar Upper Corner/Lumbar Lower Corner: ≤150°/≤120°
Leg board upwards: ≥20° Leg board downwards: ≥90°
Leg board split:≥180°
Lumbar Bridge: 100±20mm
Input Power: 300±10%VA
Power Supply: AC 220V±22V 50Hz±1Hz
Accessories:a pair of shoulder support frame,a pair of arm resting frame,a pair of leg support frame,a screen frame